About Us.
Have you ever dreamed of getting out of the noisy, polluted city? Do you think about chickens or goats? Want space for a garden? Did the lockdowns and mandates make you want to find space to breathe? Do you long for a quiet, wholesome, environment to raise your family? Do you wish your kids had room outside to run and play, surrounded by trees and grass?
The Baal Shem Tov, the Alter Rebbe, and the Tzemach Tzedek ALL had initiatives to help Yidden move out of the cities and onto their own land. The Alter Rebbe even donated his entire dowry to this cause. This is not a new concept, our Rebbeim felt this was very important. We are simply going back to our roots. We are a close-knit, warm community located in northern Florida (in the "Panhandle"). Each family owns their own lot and has the ability to homestead: raise animals, have gardens (should you chose to). At the core of our community is Chassidus and Yiddishkeit. All of our other values stem from there. Those very important values include the many this great country was founded on: FREEDOM and LIBERTY! If you love being in a city or even a suburb (having restaurants, nightlife, and pavement), this isn't what we are. Think pickup truck/SUV, forest, dirt and dirt roads, seeing stars at night. This is a slower country lifestyle. Neighbors know each other, strangers smile at one another and make small talk. People say good morning and genuinely care how you’re doing. Even if they don’t know you! Working farm onsite, you can learn more on the Aleph Homestead Farm page. This is a lovely part of the world. Lots to see and do around here (see GALLERY!) and the weather is much more temperate than in South Florida - not HOT constantly. Our leaves change color in the fall and winters can get below freezing for a few hours at night. It's very good for farming and kills bugs. And although we are RURAL, we are not REMOTE. **There is currently an opening for a chinuch shlichus onsite as a leader in our small mesivta set to open IY"H this upcoming year. Also two bochurim shlichus opportunities. Tremendous opportunities for a person with the right skills and mindset.** Please go to the Contact Us page if you would like to reach out. |